How is Davi doing?
- Wednesday February 15th, 2017
- Posted by: Guest
- Category: Mais Caminhos and the communities in Rio de Janeiro

I called him via Skype to find out. Davi speaks Dutch very well, so we conversed in that language. Of course, he speaks Portuguese and Dutch, but he also knows English and understands Spanish well.
From his famous radiant smile, I can see that everything is going well with him – which he confirms. So let’s talk about what keeps him busy.
At Caminhos, in Rio de Janeiro, he is very busy as the “Activities Manager.” The students at the school don’t just study – they also have activities every day. They can play volleyball on the beach; take a tour of the Santa Marta favela; visit museums; learn capoeira; go to Sugarloaf Mountain; watch Brazilian movies; or ride bikes around the city. Davi is responsible for all these activities and, in between, he works at the reception. Additionally, when something breaks, he fixes it.
But Davi does more than his job at the school. He is also studying engineering at university and is finishing his second year. He has only failed one subject over these two years. After this, he will need to study for three more years before graduating, and he hopes he can achieve that.
In the evening, he goes to university. Only on Fridays does he not have classes, so he stays at Caminhos all day. With university and work, he has a very busy routine. But that’s not all!
Davi is responsible for his siblings
He takes care of his three younger siblings – they all live together now. Tiago is the youngest, he is 8 years old. He attends school, but only half a day. Fortunately, there is a lady who takes care of him until someone returns home. Tiago is a very energetic and cheerful boy (even though he looks “tough” in the photo).
Luciana is his sister and is 15 years old. 15 is a very important age and needs a lot of attention – just like 18-year-old boys. Luciana wanted to study psychology but needs to pass an exam to do that. Once she passes this exam, she can start her course. She also studies English at Caminhos and, because of all her activities, she doesn’t spend much time at home.
The third is Luciano, who is 17 years old. He is still studying and enjoys doing theater. Luciano says he would prefer to live with his father, but he needs to wait because the Juvenile Court granted custody to Davi until he turns 18.
Then there is Vítor, who is 19 but still lives with Davi. He wanted to be a nurse and is almost finishing his studies.
Who cooks and takes care of the house?
These tasks are divided: whoever gets home first, cooks! Usually, it’s Vítor or Davi.
One interesting thing is that Davi’s siblings don’t really like football. In Brazil, Davi loves watching football, but they don’t watch the games of the famous clubs – only if the Brazilian national team is playing does the Porfírio family watch. Unfortunately, they are not satisfied with the results of the Brazilian team lately. I told Davi that Dutch football isn’t doing very well either.
Is there still time for fun or relaxation?
Yes. Whenever they can, they go to Xerém – where they used to live – and to the Casa do Caminho orphanage. They take many friends there and spend the weekend.
Finally, I asked Davi to talk about his dreams for the future. When he graduates, has a good job, earns money, and his siblings become independent, he would really like to return to the Netherlands. Of course, he wants to see his Dutch family – Dani, Carla, and Nancy – but also the friends he met when he was there. And, of course, he wants to visit Ralf Sender, who visited him in Rio.
Davi still has all the warm memories of the Netherlands, but a trip around South America is also on his plans.
Finances and Future Plans
In 2016, we had a meeting with Davi to decide about the monthly donations directly with him. Since Davi still has a bank account in the Netherlands, this was easy, as it will save us costs with fees and give Davi more freedom. We have seen in the last two years that Davi manages money well. In September, at Davi’s request, we increased his contribution to 350 euros.
Expenses for 2016: Time Cost per month Total First 9 months 300.00€ 2,700.00€ Last 3 months 350.00€ 1,050.00€ Christmas Extra 350.00€ 350.00€
Total: 4,100.00€ Total donation balance (12-2016): 12,243.00€
There is still a good amount available for Davi. Davi lives in the suburbs of Rio, near favelas. With the remaining donations, he has options. We asked Davi what he wants to do with this money. Increase the monthly contribution to improve comfort? Save for the future? Courses for his siblings? Or maybe rent an apartment in a slightly better neighborhood?
Davi was clear – his greatest wish is for his brother Tiago to attend a better school. He currently goes to school only in the morning and Luciana takes care of Tiago in the afternoon. If Tiago could go to a private school, his sister would have more time to focus on her studies, and Tiago would receive a better education.
If there are still funds left, Davi would also like to live a bit closer to his university and farther from the favelas. In recent months, violence in the communities has increased significantly. Additionally, Tiago cannot play outside because it is dangerous. Therefore, in the coming weeks, we will explore other possibilities for Davi’s life. If you want to support Davi as well, please send us an email.
If you want to attend the best Portuguese courses, visit Caminhos Language Centre, a Portuguese language school in Rio de Janeiro.
Written by Hannie Bijen