Learn the Portuguese Language and Portuguese Grammar
Unlike their neighboring friends, Brazilians are the only people in Latin America that use Portuguese as their primary language, not Spanish.
Learning some medical vocabulary in Portuguese might be a life savior when paying a visit to the emergency room in Brazil.
Learn some Brazilian idioms: how to use them and the story behind it.
The use of personal pronouns may be a tricky thing to learn. After all, when should we use ‘Para mim’ or ‘Para eu’ in Portuguese? Learn it now!
An incredible number of Brazilian authors have influenced literature and art in the country — they are mandatory reading for all generations.
Just like any other language on the planet, there are some Portuguese words that just can’t be translated, like Saudade and Xodó.
The difficulty or ease of learning a language will differ from people to people. How long does it take to learn Portuguese? Well, it depends.
Some Portuguese words are almost impossible to pronounce without hesitating. Check the Portuguese words you will never use on a daily basis.
Learning a new language is never easy. We often hear people saying that Portuguese is the hardest language to learn. But is that really true?
Learning Portuguese could be a great door opener for future opportunities. Check a few reasons why you should learn Brazilian Portuguese.