Mais Caminhos and the communities in Rio de Janeiro
Many people assume that favelas are associated with negativity and danger. Many Brazilians and tourists are really afraid of entering one. The fact is that favelas can be a great place to go to immerse in the carioca culture.
A volunteer of Mais Caminhos spent a few weeks in Rio de Janeiro teaching English to underprivileged teens in the nearby favela and learned a lot from this experience.
The Positive Discipline is opposed to traditional punishment, and it aims to educate kids through a caring, loving and supportive environment. Positive Discipline believe that teachers should be kind and firm with their students at the same time.In this article, Priscilla Lisboa tells us her experience with the Positive Discipline used by Mais Caminhos with the kids it helps.
Janelle’s first three days volunteering at Mais Caminhos were filled with fun and excitement as she enjoyed a beach day and engaging arts and crafts activities with the kids.
The incredible results of Davi and his family: Davi, his brothers, and sister had an amazing 2015 and are excited for a new year.
2015 was a great year for Mais Caminhos. We achieve many goals with our programs, such as the On-Site Educational Programme, helping underprivileged kids from nearby favelas; Mais Caminhos Brave Kids, where 6 kids went to Poland on a intercultural program; and Mais Caminhos Family, helping Davi’s family with housing and financial support.In this article, we look back at 2015 and the achievements of our social program, highlighting milestones from our Educational Programme to Scholarships.
Dealing with underprivileged kids can be a tough journey, even if you think you’re prepared for it. Reality is much harder.
A photographer usually doesn’t participate in the activities they’re capturing on camera, but it was impossible for our volunteer not to be involved.
During a celebration at Escola Municipal Holanda, Davi is an inspiration for children, he shared stories about his year abroad in the Netherlands.
O Globo, one of Brazil’s most famous newspapers, visited us to learn about Mais Caminhos and the children traveling to Poland for Brave Kids.