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brazilian portuguese in brazil

Descripción del Curso

Si solo estás en Río de Janeiro por un corto tiempo y necesitas un curso acelerado de portugués, entonces ¡el Curso Caminhos supervivencia en Río es la opción para ti!

Después de solo un día, los estudiantes pueden realizar una serie de tareas básicas en portugués, como saludar a los demás, presentarse, solicitar información o indicaciones, pedir un taxi, pedir artículos en restaurantes y tiendas, y navegar por los alimentos básicos en el supermercado. Este curso intensivo se centra únicamente en la comunicación en portugués básico, con los medios para facilitar su estadía en la ciudad.

Además de las 4 horas de clase, también recibirá un “Kit de Supervivencia Caminhos”, que incluye una Lonely Planet guía pdf de Río de Janeiro, “Caminhos’ Top5s” y una tarjeta de estudiante; que permite la entrada con descuento en varios sitios turísticos en Río de Janeiro y en todo Brasil.

Conoce a los profesores de portugués

Aspectos destacados del curso Supervivencia en Río

  • Está disponible todos los días
  • Libro de Caminhos Survival Río
  • Una Lonely planet de Río de Janeiro PDF + “Caminhos Top 5s”
  • Una tarjeta de estudiante
  • La oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestras actividades gratuitas y hacer nuevos amigos
  • Su tarifa apoya a Mais Caminhos – nuestro programa social; ayudando a niños brasileños necesitados


4 horas de clase

Escoja la fecha

Incluye Kit de supervivencia Caminhos

  • star rating  After trying multiple different language schools and teachers, I finally landed upon Caminhos and my teacher Bruno Cuoto and it has been the best learning experience of my life!
    ... read more

    mayo 10, 2022
  • star rating  Everything about Caminhos was absolutely awesome. The location in Ipanema was great, it was a pleasure interacting with Natalia and the rest of the staff everyday, the teachers were great,... read more

    abril 29, 2022
  • star rating  The Caminhos school and all of the team is amazing. I am very happy with the quality of the teaching (I did group plus private classes) and find all of... read more

    abril 21, 2022
  • star rating  It was a jugar experience cause everyone I know there were overseas people although I met a lot of people from my country, that was great because if u don't... read more

    abril 20, 2022
  • star rating  To summarize: I loved it ALL there (even if I skipped the after school social events for reasons only related to me, not to the school and/or other students 😉... read more

    avatar thumb Erick
    diciembre 31, 2021
  • star rating  To summarize: I loved it ALL there (even if I skipped the after school social events for reasons only related to me, not to the school and/or other students 😉... read more

    diciembre 31, 2021
  • star rating  My experience at Caminhos was incredible. I spent one month there, and I wish I could have stayed longer. There were students from all ages, but most of us were... read more

    avatar thumb Mathilde A
    diciembre 23, 2021
  • star rating  My experience at Caminhos was incredible. I spent one month there, and I wish I could have stayed longer. There were students from all ages, but most of us were... read more

    diciembre 23, 2021
  • star rating  Caminhos is an outstanding school! When my husband and I were researching for a language school for our son who was going to Rio to spend time with our... read more

    avatar thumb Silvana T
    diciembre 15, 2021
  • star rating  Caminhos is an outstanding school! When my husband and I were researching for a language school for our son who was going to Rio to spend time with our... read more

    diciembre 15, 2021