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protuguese conversation class

Course Description

Caminhos Konversationskurs ist ein Portugiesischkurs, der komplett darauf fokussiert ist, eure Konversationsfähigkeiten zu verbessern.

Unsere Portugiesischlehrer benutzen eine weite Auswahl an Themen, Musik und Spielen um die Konversation anzuregen.

Der Konversationskurs ist passend für Schüler aller Stufen über den Anfängergruppen (A1/A1+). Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass es keine direkte Äquivalenz oder Umrechnung zwischen diesem Kurs und anderen Kursniveaus gibt. Das Niveau jedes Schülers wird vor der Teilnahme am Konversationskurs individuell bewertet, um sicherzustellen, dass er basierend auf seinen Sprachkenntnissen und -kenntnissen auf ein angemessenes Niveau eingestuft wird.

Der Caminhos Konversationskurskann auch in Kombination mit dem Caminhos intensiven Gruppenkurs oder mit Caminhos Privatunterricht genommen werden.

Treffen Sie den Portugiesischlehrer

Caminhos Levelstruktur

portuguese course levels DE

Caminhos Talk Highlights

  • Montag, Dienstag und Donnerstag 14:00-16:30 (7.5 Stundenpro Woche)
  • Kleine Klassengrößen
  • Jeden Tag gratis Aktivitäten nach den Kursen
  • Die Möglichkeit, Freundschaften mit Leuten aus der ganzen Welt zu schließen
  • Eure Studiengebühr unterstützt Mais Caminhos – unser soziales Programm, welches bedürftigen brasilianischen Kindern hilft

ab R$480 pro Woche

7.5 Stundenpro Woche

Montag, Dienstag und Donnerstag

2 unterschiedliche Stufen

Kurse in kleinen Gruppen

  • star rating  After trying multiple different language schools and teachers, I finally landed upon Caminhos and my teacher Bruno Cuoto and it has been the best learning experience of my life!
    ... read more

    Mai 10, 2022
  • star rating  Everything about Caminhos was absolutely awesome. The location in Ipanema was great, it was a pleasure interacting with Natalia and the rest of the staff everyday, the teachers were great,... read more

    April 29, 2022
  • star rating  The Caminhos school and all of the team is amazing. I am very happy with the quality of the teaching (I did group plus private classes) and find all of... read more

    April 21, 2022
  • star rating  It was a jugar experience cause everyone I know there were overseas people although I met a lot of people from my country, that was great because if u don't... read more

    April 20, 2022
  • star rating  To summarize: I loved it ALL there (even if I skipped the after school social events for reasons only related to me, not to the school and/or other students 😉... read more

    avatar thumb Erick
    Dezember 31, 2021
  • star rating  To summarize: I loved it ALL there (even if I skipped the after school social events for reasons only related to me, not to the school and/or other students 😉... read more

    Dezember 31, 2021
  • star rating  My experience at Caminhos was incredible. I spent one month there, and I wish I could have stayed longer. There were students from all ages, but most of us were... read more

    avatar thumb Mathilde A
    Dezember 23, 2021
  • star rating  My experience at Caminhos was incredible. I spent one month there, and I wish I could have stayed longer. There were students from all ages, but most of us were... read more

    Dezember 23, 2021
  • star rating  Caminhos is an outstanding school! When my husband and I were researching for a language school for our son who was going to Rio to spend time with our... read more

    avatar thumb Silvana T
    Dezember 15, 2021
  • star rating  Caminhos is an outstanding school! When my husband and I were researching for a language school for our son who was going to Rio to spend time with our... read more

    Dezember 15, 2021