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Educational Favela Tour Rio de Janeiro

This is the best favela tour in Rio: we wanted to make sure all of our students have the opportunity to learn a bit about how a favela operates and provide them with some idea of what it’s like to live in a favela. We place a huge emphasis on this tour being ‘educational’, rather than ‘exploitative’. Edson is our tour guide and he will take you into the community of Dona Marta (the favela which Michael Jackson made famous when he filmed the music clip ‘They Don’t Really Care About Us.’). He will guide you through the community and explain many important things like how the residents receive their mail, how to buy and sell houses in the favela, how to make local announcements, how and why the favelas came about in the first place, and more. He will also take you to a few social projects we work closely with and you will get to meet the people and children Caminhos support.


When: Check the Caminhos Activity Calendar our next ‘Educational Favela Tour Rio’
Meet: At Caminhos and we’ll go to Botafogo together

Check the actual times in our Caminhos Activity Calendar.