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VOLUNTEER Opportunities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

 volunteer in rio de janeiro brazil

Caminhos Language Centre offers a number of volunteer opportunities in Rio de Janeiro spread over the three pillars of the organisation: Caminhos Language Centre, Mais Caminhos and Eco Caminhos. You can choose between short-term and long-term volunteer opportunities.

Short-Term Volunteer Opportunities – Volunteer Days

In the school there is always an opportunity to help with our ‘Volunteer Days’.
We have three types of Volunteer Days:

Caminhos In Action (C.I.A.)

Caminhos In Action is a volunteer day held once a month in which students can participate in different social projects, helping Rio de Janeiro  communities and people in need. Each month we organise a C.I.A. day such as painting houses, street cleaning or helping to build houses and gardens in a local community. Around Christmas and Easter time we also provide special events for children who live in the communities we help.

Caminhos Community Time (Saturday)

Caminhos Community Time is a volunteer day when we take students into the nearby community of Caranguejo and spend some time with the children who live there. We help to clean up the area, read stories, play games and draw with the children, and provide them with food and drink. It is a day for showing these children in the community that we care. The community times are organised in cooperation with our partner organisation, Solar Meninos de Luz.

Caminhos Playtime (Wednesday)

Caminhos Playtime is a great opportunity for our language school students to connect with our Mais Caminhos children. Students can spend time with the children at the school every second Wednesday and participate in several fun games with them.

There is no need to apply in advance for these short-term volunteer opportunities. The only condition for participating is to study at the Caminhos Language Centre or be a former student. Once you are at the school you can ask for more information or sign up to the next volunteer opportunity at our front desk.

Long-Term Volunteer Opportunities in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

For students who are looking for long-term volunteer opportunities we have a few positions available (see below). If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer please apply at the bottom of this page.

Caminhos Language Centre – Volunteer Opportunities

volunteer in brazil rio de janeiro community time

Caminhos Community Time (Saturday)

Job description:

Volunteers needed to participate every Saturday in the community of Caranguejo. Must be available to meet at 9am at the school and work until 12pm. Different tasks include: light cleaning of areas in the community, reading, playing and drawing with children and helping to distribute food and drink to them.


  • Basic Portuguese to be able to communicate with the children
  • Friendly and easygoing
  • Enthusiastic and eager to participate

volunteer in brazil rio de janeiro cia

Caminhos in Action (C.I.A.)

Job description:

Volunteers needed to participate in monthly events to help communities in need. Projects include: painting favela houses and streets, cleaning, gardening, collecting Christmas presents, cooking, etc. Anyone with artistic talent is particularly welcome as we need painting leaders and designers.


  • Friendly and easygoing
  • Enthusiastic and eager to participate

Mais Caminhos – Volunteer Opportunities

volunteer in brazil rio de janeiro teacherTeacher for the Complementary Education Program

Job description:

Volunteers needed to join our own Mais Caminhos social project, based at Caminhos Language Centre. We are looking for volunteers to work closely with the children in our project and educate them using the Positive Discipline methodology. Weekly tasks include preparing and delivering a range of classes, including English, sports and theatre, organising special excursions, etc. People with special skills and qualifications are particularly needed.


  • Able to commit to working in Mais Caminhos for six months or more
  • Good with children — experience of working with children advantageous
  • Intermediate level Portuguese
  • Friendly and easygoing
  • Enthusiastic and eager to participate

Eco Caminhos – Volunteer Opportunities

volunteer in brazil rio de janeiro eco

Eco Caminhos Volunteer Opportunities

Job description:

Volunteer work on our Eco-Farm in Nova Friburgo in a variety of roles, including: building a cob house, gardening, property maintenance, carpentry, permaculture, bioconstruction and organic farming. Volunteers like to get their hands dirty and put hands on. Volunteers will have a really great time with others from all over the world, like trails, bonfires, trips and tourism around the eco-farm. They must be flexible, motivated and be a nature lover.


  • Hard working
  • Enjoys practical, manual work
  • Love of nature
  • Flexible
  • Friendly and easygoing


 Eco Caminhos offers food and accommodation