Body Parts in Brazilian Portuguese
- Wednesday January 4th, 2023
- Posted by: Amanda Ennes
- Category: Learn the Portuguese Language and Portuguese Grammar

Learning the body parts in Brazilian Portuguese might be extremely helpful when going through an emergency or even during everyday situations. It is also useful when you want to describe your or someone’s appearance but lack vocabulary.
Therefore, in this blog post, we will not only teach you about body parts in Brazilian Portuguese but also idioms using body parts. Additionally, we list the name of the most important organs in our bodies so you can learn about them as well.
Table of Contents
ToggleBody Parts in Brazilian Portuguese
Portuguese | English | Portuguese | English | |
Corpo | Body | Braço | Arm | |
Cabeça | Head | Cotovelo | Elbow | |
Rosto | Face | Axila | Armpit | |
Cabelo | Hair | Mão | Hand | |
Testa | Forehead | Dedos das mãos | Fingers | |
Sobrancelha | Eyebrows | Unha | Nail | |
Olho | Eye | Costas | Back | |
Nariz | Nose | Peito | Chest | |
Boca | Mouth | Seios | Breasts | |
Língua | Tongue | Cintura | Waist | |
Dente | Tooth | Barriga | Belly | |
Bochecha | Cheek | Perna | Leg | |
Queixo | Chin | Tornozelo | Ankle | |
Orelha | Outer ear | Calcanhar | Heel | |
Ouvido | Inner ear | Joelho | Knee | |
Nuca | Nape (back of the neck) | Pé | Foot | |
Pescoço | Neck | Dedos dos pés | Toes | |
Ombro | Shoulder | Nádegas | Buttocks |
Organs in Brazilian Portuguese
Portuguese | English |
Bexiga | Bladder |
Cérebro | Brain |
Coração | Heart |
Estômago | Stomach |
Fígado | Liver |
Intestino | Intestine |
Pele | Skin |
Pulmão | Lungs |
Rins | Kidneys |
Útero | Uterus |
Brazilian Portuguese Idioms With Body Parts
Now that you have already learned some vocabulary on body parts in Brazilian Portuguese, let’s learn some popular idioms using body parts. These expressions will help you navigate through the everyday Portuguese you will most certainly hear often when speaking to Brazilians.
Cabeça de Vento
Someone who is very absent-minded or not very responsible.
Dar com a língua nos dentes
To tell someone’s secret or to disclose information that was confidential.
Dar uma mão
To help someone. It is most commonly used as ‘dar uma mãozinha.’
Ter as costas quentes
To have powerful people on your side who will protect you even if you do something wrong.
Ter peito
To be courageous, brave.
Ficar de olho
To pay attention.
Dor de cotovelo
Jealousy or envy.
Falar pelos cotovelos
To talk non-stop.
Ser cabeça dura
Ter um rei na barriga
Someone who thinks they are better than others. Someone who is arrogant, presumptuous, or entitled.
Bater perna
To walk around the city, checking out shops, killing time, being outdoors…
Body Parts in Brazilian Portuguese – Pronunciation
Caminhos Language Centre is the largest and most exciting Portuguese school in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We have an excellent infrastructure, over 15 experienced Brazilian teachers, and a friendly multilingual support staff. We are the only school in Brazil able to offer Portuguese group courses throughout the year on 10 different levels. Moreover, our school also offers more than just Portuguese lessons for foreigners, we offer you the complete Rio de Janeiro experience. Every day we organize 100% free and fun activities for you to socialize and practice your Portuguese. We can also help you with a student visa for Brazil and accommodation in Rio de Janeiro. Follow us on Instagram for some Portuguese tips and news.